Fat, Slim, Tall, Short, Brown or Browner!

From the title, we start to take a look on diversity. But why have diversity? If we all were the same color, height and body type the world would be absolutely bland and lifeless.
There is a saying:
                                                          -Diversity is the spice of life-
But have you ever thought about why?
In the world countries must trade not only because the want to but to add a different level of outlook or standard of living. For example, If you can make sheets faster than me, but I can make Beds faster than you,  why don't we specialize in niche market and then trade the amount of beds you want for the amount of sheets I want. This makes logical sense, doesn't it?

This represents the economic principle of Mutually Beneficial Trade. But many countries around the world have not been benefiting to the true extent of the commodity trade market. In many countries this is due to unfaltering Government relations, where you have two countries that can benefit each other but their Governments behave like two kids at a school in malice, no one will ever win. But to continue the comparison many governments are too childish to realize this notion.  

Now for the fun part:

Sexual stereotypes are the main influences for initial  relationship pursuits. There are many legends about Fat men and fat women in bed. But have you ever wondered the science behind a small man loving big women? me too.
One theory is based on an insecurity,  if a skinny man has a reaally fat woman no other guy will want to sleep with her, so they have some perceived security.

Another theory is that fat equals fertility, so a larger woman may be able to produce a man  more children

To me they both sound superficial and shallow.


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