EXAMS!!! kill me now!

At most schools or universities finals or end of semester exams start this week, next week or they have already started. Personally I don't like studying but I do it because it just makes sense. The conventional study methods are practically standard, any where you go. But if you know me by now I'm no where near conventional.
The purpose of studying is to get the information in your brain to sit the exam then pass. No here is the mind blowing thing, what if it is already there you just need to find it. I find that for some students they skull lectures to read lecture notes and then try to study, they fail the exam and what happens they ask why didn't i pass.
           You didn't go to lecture dumb ass!

  In the lecture the lecturer at least attempts to explain what is on the slide and his or her explanations will eventually help you to get the relevant information/ideas on the topic. No bashing anyone here though but there is hope.

My unconventional methods:
1. If you have the syllabus and most likely you do find the highlights and write about you know , this can allow to focus on what you don't know as opposed to focusing on everything.

A process called the 3RW: Read, Recognize, Recall, Write.

Read your text books and lecture notes
Practice and when you Recognize what which part of what you read
Recall the details of what you recognize on it  and,
Write what you know.

Use this method in practice and on the exams and you should pass or get an A.

2. Look in your class and find the geeks or smart people and secretly ask them to help you with you dont understand

3. Go and ask your teacher if its not too late

4. Make a study timetable
5. Take regular breaks after an hour or too

6. This one most college kids don't get but sleep, do your studies but remember to find time to sleep and un-rested body retains less than a rested one

7. I hope I don't sound like your dad, but eat your fruits, and your vegetables and drink water, nutrition around exam time is important

8. Don't sleep in exams  


  1. I am personally guilty of not going to/not listening in lectures. I blame the ineffectiveness of the lectures on my poor attention span. What type of advice can you give easily distracted students like myself?


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