What is your Name: How will you be remembered?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."

Shakespeare in his famous love story 'Romeo and Juliet' wrote these words for his lead woman Juliet as she believed that loving someone went far beyond what they look like, their family background and what they or their family did in the past. 

But names have significant meaning  in our perception of different things. Is that by hearing a name we are transcended to place where we begin to wonder the full extent to the meaning of that name if it is so unique? We laugh if its funny, or sometimes are even stupefied by is complexities. But what's a name? 

Today I was going to talk about names of alcohol beverages modeled after sex but, I recently stumbled on something else . An article entitled "Rise and shine:The daily routines of of history's most creative minds."So I'll leave the sex drinks for another time.

How do you view some of history's most interesting characters the ones who changed their fields and how the world thinks about certain things. But as Economics is the study of choice some of these historical figures made some choices that helped them to achieve their work but for many that choice cost them their life.   

Benjamin Franklin was a Nudist....at least in his own house
Marcel Proust (A french Novelist) was a closeted homosexual and an opium addict 
Ernest Hemingway was a drunken early riser
Beethoven was a coffee addict 
Balzac was a substance addict
Kierkegaard  was not only addicted to coffee but sugar as well

I put the article in the negative to show that great minds have quirks but we all the choice whether or not we want take a substance or adopt a routine that may kill us in the end. The grater point is make a Name for yourself that is not only in the work you do but in the life that you live. 

And that's what's in a name.


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