Resolve for a New , New Years Resolution

News years resolutions prove the laws of Economics but not in the way you think. Every year millions of people promise themselves and others that the following year they will do something about their lives. Resolutions tend to be tangible goals with measurable attainment patterns that people make for themselves. The top ten resolutions made by people are:

1. Eat Healthy and Exercise Regularly
2. Drink Less
3. Learn something new
4. Quit Smoking
5. Better work/life balance
6. Volunteer
7. Save Money
8. Get Organized
9. Read More
10. Finish the around the House to do list

The Word Resolution can be defined as:

"A firm decision to do or not to do something, with the aim of solving a problem."

Many persons really don't make resolutions they simply just lie to get people off their backs. But what about those who really don't make it past January?

in a recent tweet of mine @78mikol

"New Year is not necessarily a new beginning more like a continuation. Resolutions fail because there is no carry over from the past year"

As I mentioned above, resolutions fail because if you don't start from year before then to form the new habit takes a little extra effort and a little extra time. But here are some things which CNN writer Jacque Wilson proposes you commit to :

1.Getting some Fresh Air -Take some time and get into nature, go for a walk

2.Step away from the screen - Every now and again, get off your smart phones, tablets and away from your TV's and do something else. Like what? That's the problem You aren't using your imagination enough

3.Sleep More- If you are a workaholic or believe sleep is for the week the you are missing out on the benefits that sleeping just a little longer has for you. I personally don't operate well on less then 6 hours of sleep, 7-8 hours a night of continuous sleep is ideal.

4.Add Something- instead of the usual removal of stuff from your diet why not trying to add something like. fruits and vegetables, water and protein to meals and snacks and healthier eating habits should ensue

5.Stop Multitasking- This one I personally find a challenge with, if I had 10 things to do at once I would do them but psychological studies show that cognition is improved when you begin to focus your mind on one thing. Its also helps to reduce headaches, stress and the need for caffeine. Try it!

6.Taking time to breath- Just like 1 and 2 Stop take a breath , get hydrated and move on. This helps you reduce time spent on tasks and helps to increase your focus as your brain gets the oxygen it needs as you rest

7.Trying Something new- This is one of the more traditional ones but there is nothing wrong if you fail or stop at least you tried and can say so....But remember winners never quit and quitters never win

8.Be better- Make an open conscious decision to become a better person this year and every year.

9.Choose a theme- This can help you to shape the direction you take for the year whether it is to be a little kinder, calmer, more gentle. more compassionate and those or nice words or to be just a lit bit less selfish.

How does resolution advice relate to economics?

I am showing some tools that you can use to make your life, your businesses and the way your operate better. Following not one but all these resolutions pushes you to be the better, more efficient you but only based on your choice. Think of it this way you have infinately many choices to make for infinitely many opportunities. This is anti-scarcity!


  1. Good article Mr. Mortley.
    I disagree with your opinion on failed resolutions. I think people have shorter attention spans now, and are unable to focus on long term tasks.


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