What Economists think of Supermarkets

Have you ever wondered how an economist operates within a supermarket? We do go to the supermarket as well and have to pay for the same consumer items and have to make the same when it comes on what represents the better deal for us as a consumer. But is our thought process within the supermarket the same as in our daily/weekly analysis of changes in the economic market.

Here is how some economists may think.

2-4-1 special: What on earth could be wrong with one of the items or why do they really want to buy this item with the other.

buy 3 and get a discount: Why don' they just charge e the true value so i can really save some money or just buy something else

Free Samples: I love these sometimes, You can literally taste the item for free and if you talk up the server taste more than once and literally not have to buy it. If they have tasting of things you already buy then even better for you.

Brand Buying: Why purchase the same thing at higher price if two r more brands sell it at varying prices, therefore Brand loyalty makes no sense.

Supermarkets give the illusion that there is little scarcity as they try to show that some amount of  variety exists.

The next time you go to the supermarkets, that is if in fact you go to the supermarket try thinking like an economist.


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