Pregnant rule benders

Lets tackle pregnancy from the the point of view of an economist. One of these days hopefully in the near future I will impregnate a woman , hopefully my wife and go through the full technicalities of what the pregnancy entails for both the woman and her husband(me).But before then i will give you views and the views of another Economist by the name of Emily Oster.

I don't  know how many of my readers have been  pregnant but wouldn't you wish that you didn't have as many rules to abide by and still have a healthy child. As scientist we use empirical evidence and experiments into the theories and ideologies associated with pregnancy.

For many women they feel as if pregnancy means someone telling them what to do all the time, the intentions may be good but putting your life on hold for a good nine months or so is not necessarily a very easy thing to do for individuals who have developed routines.

First question....Can you drink wine while pregnant...for many people the first thing out their mouths would be hell no...but if you look at the facts based on the health purposes of red or white wine for woman in general a glass or two a week will do absoolutley no harm to baby. The problem is if you it in excess.

Secondly...Do pregnant women need to exercise while pregnant? For many OBGYN practitioners they advise their patients not gain too much during pregnancy as the amount of weight gained by the mother generally determines how large or small the baby will be but light exercise is advised but don't overdo it and don't take up exercise you're sick all the time.

read Emily's article here  if you wish


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