Promiscuity: Who is more wrong?

Think about two cars parked side by side, one a brand new Rolls Royce, the other a busted up Lincoln town car that has been as a taxi for past 5 years...knowing me by now you know this article has nothing to do with cars  and all to do with everyone's favorite topic Sex and relationships.

In the dating market, men look at women like cars i may have exaggerated a little about the town car ,  but say it looks new and shiny. So both cars look good but whats the difference? the amount of wear and tear each car has received, meaning the number of users of the cars.

It is common knowledge that men prefer women who have had fewer sexual partners than the months of the year and many women today still don't get that. Anyone can stop a town car taxi and take a ride in it, just like a very promiscuous woman however riding in Rolls Royce is prized and only a few have the privilege of actually doing so. Many men still prefer a purer woman to engage in a long term relationship.

But let's look at the reverse case, say you want to hire a driver for your new Rolls Royce, you have two choices the guy who has driven only one rusty old truck once in his life, or the seasoned professional driver who has driven for the best. The obvious choice is the professional driver, who represents the man who has been around quite a bit. An obvious double standard.

So If men like women who have not been around so much, and women prefer a man who knows what he's doing. The market will be in disequilibrium, so the optimal point or compromise would be for women not to dish out to every guy they can because each additional guy is a nail in the coffin of the woman not getting married.

Our world is still sex biased in the promiscuity race, women are better off not sleeping around so much, guys can still do whatever they want unless women require them to have less partners.          


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