Happy You Year

Happy New Year all,

For some people this is the best time of the year however economist hate new years. People make new years resolutions and then after a month they break them and wait till next year to make a new one. Here is a break down of the six most popular resolutions this and every year. But the investigative side of me would love to find out the reason behind the failed stick-to-it-tiveness. I was very tempted to go look on a site but the answers are not that difficult to derive.
Why do the people you observe break their resolutions?

1. They fail to plan- Just like making another another goal what is the game plan, how do you intend to achieve that goal? If that plan isn't there the resolution will fail.   

2. The Snowball effect- People will allow one little laspe to deter them from the entire goal. 

3. Negative thinking- Keep saying I can't do this

4. Not doing anything

So have you made any resolutions this year, Have you broken them yet?


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