The Donald Effect...why the world underestimated Trump

Way back in 2015 i wrote an article saying that Trump could win the nomination for the Republican Party, Last year I wrote another article about who you would prefer to be president.
This year that we know the outcome of the election and some a slowly coming to terms with the news, I leave you with some thoughts from your old friend.

Donald Trump spoke to Middle America, the people who are blue collar working folks, white, black and Latina who felt oppressed and neglected by the politicians that they elected to Washington. His message was mainly about bringing back jobs and disrupting the status quo of what was politics for the politicians in the eyes of many Americans. The message resonated throughout the mostly conservative middle  of the United States. Trump focused not only on swing states but states where his message would resonate with the voters, two key states of which being Wisconsin and Michigan.

Investors have greeted Donald Trump’s surprise win with the biggest stock market rally for any new U.S. president. What is called the Trump Rally where the S&P and Dow have reached record levels. 

The Trump effect also mostly evident in business sentiment. Mnay businesses believe that Trump will give them tax breaks and incentives. Wealthy American also belive in tax cuts for the rich as trump i one of them. 

In the International economy a nationalist view to trade may cause some amount of backlash from US trading partners. While local jobs in america is good, unemployment in America is at all time lows. The problem is not unemployment but Underemployment. 

But we'll just have to wait and see what Trump brings to the table.

PS:  This is my first Article in a while....I took a 4 month Sabbatical....
 Articles in the Pipeline: 

Time Management   
Direct vs Indirect Taxation: 
Venture Capital Competition....etc 


Trump Articles 


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