Perception, Social Media and Psychology of Doing

Economist like myself have been trying to dabble into understanding consumer choices of relatively free goods such as social media.

Firstly lets do some counting , The top 7 social networks are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, Tumblr and Instagram.  Of the top 7 I personally have am a member of 4 which is about average. There are however many more social media sites that I haven't mentioned, but the point will remain the same.

As a member on a social media site the big picture is to ensure that you maintain a digital image while exploring the images that others portray. Popular tweeters, tweet a lot , and the good Facebook and Instagram profiles have a lot of pictures. Simply because an image is being maintained. The choice to to do this maintenance originates from the desire to become more popular. You are not going to update your profile picture, or post something interesting or tweet just for yourself. The point is you want someone else to see it, like it, retweet it and comment on it.  

This goes back to origins of basic need for gratification, we like to feel good about our selves and want others to share in it, even if those persons are enemies, exes or classmates.

But what happens when maintaining an online becomes cumbersome and mundane?
You begin to ask what is the point, Social Media is no substitute for the real thing it is supposed to be an aid to the real thing. Zuckerberg  envisioned Facebook being a site to find people, then what, get up, get out and do something.

The problem with social media choices is that social media is cheaper than going out and doing things...but what is the true economic cost of that decision.

#CollegeEconomist #CollegeECON  #CEconomist 


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