Over the past 50 years dominant gender roles have been modified to accept women as a major part of the business, technical and manufacturing sectors worldwide. Women in business make up a large percentage of persons employed at many agencies and at times far outnumber the males employed to the same firms.
In the past women were seen as homemakers, housewives and to some extent property. But since the technological revolution as I like to call it ; for a woman to remain under-educated and unemployed to the formal market is almost a doomed perspective.
However women today make up the larger portion of the gender ratio in the education system and have been able to equalize the ratio in the labour market. As at 2013, for women to be the major component of tertiary education it symbolizes a paradigm shift in the future labour market. This means that traditional male roles in business, due to the lack of availability of qualified males at the tertiary level, will be recouped or taken over by females. These roles, the incomes and benefits that come along with them will also be given to female holders of the once male jobs.
It is highly possible that women will be earning higher salaries than their male counterparts which even though poses a public benefit, actually causes social perception problems among the male population. We discussed in my Article about Paternity leave, that women are given benefits within their contract for just being women while the only compensation for males is a higher wage. Some people would argue that if more and more females are employed their benefits would further lead to problems. Of late arguments have arisen about male marginalization and female dominance.
I am not asserting that women should not be leaders but the traditional role and perception of male leaders has remained relatively unscathed in the past thousand years. Believe it or not the majority of females actually prefer a male leader and only a small percentage of the male population have a preference for female leaders.
How do you think the world economy would perform if it was run by women?
Points to consider:
-The vast majority of world leaders are male
-Women are still not allowed to drive in some middle eastern countries
-The uneducated population is mostly female
-Economics has gender biases
-Emotions have no bearing on most economic decisions
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